Join Cornwall Beekeepers Association
The Cornwall Beekeepers’ Association (CBKA) is a charity affiliated to the British Beekeepers’ Association (BBKA) which represents beekeepers across the whole of the UK.
Our Association is made up of eight groups across the county, excluding the far west of Cornwall. You can become a member of any group you wish, depending upon your own location or preference, but can attend any other groups if you want to as a member of CBKA.:
Applications to join the CBKA are now online so you will need to email the membership secretary – – with the following information:
full name
1st line of address and postcode
email address
group you wish to join
We will then send you a link to complete your details and details of how to pay.
The current cost of a Full Member is £26 which includes membership of both the CBKA and BBKA, Public and Product Liability Insurance, Bee Disease Insurance for up to 3 hives (through BDI Ltd), BBKA News and our own Gwenyn Kernow monthly magazine and access to a wide range of other resources.
Other rates of subscription are available for Partner members, Junior members, Associate members, Schools, and Country members.
Membership rates are on the form however benefits may be different – see the Membership Information document.
Even if you only pay a small amount of tax, as a charity we can claim a percentage of your subscription back as Gift Aid. Please complete this section of the form if you can. It makes a real difference to our finances every year enabling us to put on more events and ensure we meet our charitable objectives.